
Yarn Load Failed And Webpack Load Failed | Solved

gameplayoffert opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, if your server can't load the webpack and yarn ressource it's very simple read the step below.

-- Work for windows 8.1

Step 1 : Open your server with your "start.bat" or your "yourlaunchername.bat".
Step 2 : Go on the top bar of the console and right click.
Step 3 : Go on properties and go in the fronts tab.
Step 4 : Select "Consolas" or "Lucida Console" in the fonts list.
Step 5 : Press "Ok" and restart your server.
Step 6 : Enjoy.

If the problem is not solved you can try to add "chcp 850" but it not worked for me.

for @technetium-cfx | You can solved this topic and don't delete it it's very important because i have solved the problem alone with your help for "chcp 850" and this can be useful for other peoples.