
HttpServer in kubernetes

hmmlopez opened this issue · 3 comments

Citrus Version

We have an application (SUT) running in Kubernetes (OpenShift) that is calling some backends using http. How can we setup some test that are sending (httpClient) messages to the SUT deployed in OpenShift, and mock the backend endpoints with HttpServer in CitrusFramework?

What I've tried so far
When starting the application locally I can easily test it just pointing the backend endpoints to the localhost httpserver port of citrusframework. But how can I achieve the same when deployed in Openshift?

Additional information
We are running our pipeline in Jenkins, which deploys our application (SUT) with AWX and then should be able to run the integration test (inside or outside kubernetes). Now it’s running the integration test (not citrusframework) outside kubernetes by checking out some code and run it. As httpserver we are using a deployed wiremock server in kubernetes for the backend mocking.

you're looking for the you'd have to start the simulator in a second container, side by side with your SUT. there, I think it lacks the following features (which I planned to implement for quit a while):

  • loading simulations at runtime

or wiremock, which offers a container image as well.

a "back-link" into the pipeline is not possible - not due to constraints from citrusframework/citrus, but simply because of the nature of build systems. generally speaking. of course, in some setups, exposing build pipelines might be possible.