
Support RETURNING in modification commands

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Any query using the RETURNING clause produces the following error:

NotSupportedError: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query
DETAIL:  RETURNING clauses are not supported in distributed queries.

Can you add support for RETURNING clauses?

Hey @digi604: What's your use case? We didn't implement RETURNING to keep the feature profile abbreviated during the initial release, but with sufficient demand we could change that. 😃

rodo commented

In ORM (I know it's bad, but sometimes we have to work with people who love them) like Django the SQL query include RETURNING to return the object's id to the ORM, maybe @digi604 uses an ORM.
I vote for RETURNING support in pg_shard 👍

i use peewee (orm) in a rather complex worker queue.