
Missing doc, software architecture and model details

Lecrapouille opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi ! Citybound is a promising SimCity-like. You wrote in your devblog that it was designed for educational purposes but unfortunately it's difficult (for me) to understand the code: I never learned programming Rust and the code comes without comments. In addition, there is no doc/ folder for explaining how the code is made, software architecture, diagrams of component interactions ... or better PDF explaining mathematically simulation rules such as economy, agents ... This would be a great improvement to add this kind of documentation (even for yourself: this help you thinking differently the project and detect weak points). This would also help people less computer science but more mathematic to help you and giving you advice on the fundamentals of the project. For example, Maxis gave good information (maybe too much) about how their engine was working. Simulation scripts for defining new behavior, new kind of cities ..., is a great idea for them and a must-to-have for open-source projects. This would have been perfect if they had included more mathematical details. Even if Maxis also had bad ideas or failed ideas (cloud, path-based routing) with good documentation people can more easily help to find better solution and script allows to experiment a lot. PS: people could easily implement their slide like but also myself currently. Anyway a PDF like done for GDC could be great documentation for citybound.