
Stacks Treasury Bonds (STB) - Rebrand

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I have a vision that CityCoins should not support disparate localized communities, but rather everyone as a whole. The problem with a separation of such granular communities is that it works well enough in society, but not so much in computer science. This is because the field relies upon standards for almost everything. When we standardize, we reduce complexity in the overall system, which in turn maximizes efficiency and reduces vulnerabilities. If we want users to invest in our Digital Asset, we need the utmost trust and simplicity.

We have a unique position here where we can automate a Bonds system the US government uses to raise cash. Miners commit STX to the Treasury in exchange for a chance to win newly-minted CityCoins. The user can then Stack their CityCoins to receive a portion of the Miner's committed STX; 70% goes to the Treasury, 30% goes to CityCoin Stackers.

The main problem that I've noticed is that the NYCCoin Stacks Treasury has about 50% more STX tokens than the MiamiCoin Stacks Treasury. While some will want to buy into MiamiCoin to support that city, it's a smarter investment choice to mine (or buy) NYCCoin and stack it because the 30% payout to stackers will always be larger. This underpins a major problem because economies naturally flow where the risk : reward ratio is best. Over many years, we will see a shift of funds from MiamiCoin to NYCCoin as people learn this. I'm sure others will also catch on after reading this.

That's why I'm proposing we merge CityCoins into a Single Stacks Treasury (SST) and change the name of CityCoins and its token ticker to Stacks Treasury Bonds (STB). I would like this to become something recognized by the US Federal Government as a real use-case for Blockchain technology to help automate many areas of government, while also providing equitable shares of a trustful economy to its agnostic supporters and users. There are many other problems that will come with this transition, but we need to take things in stride and build out the smart contracts safely and accurately, which takes time. We need to focus on:

  1. Development of a merger solution. How can we merge the two Stacks Treasuries? What is the most fair and equitable way to merge the 2 CC's total supply?
  2. Changing the name and token ticker to Stacks Treasury Bonds (STB).
  3. Simplification of the smart contracts. Less is more.
  4. Funding this project. How should it be funded? When building smart contracts, we cannot expect users to understand how to read source code. No matter how decidable the language is, no matter if it's publicly available. Ecommerce consistently uses 3rd party verification mechanisms to build trust with the public. We need to do the same and pay for things like security code audits. An SST of 25,700,000 STX has increased in value over the past 2 years from USD$ 5,600,00 to a whopping $64,000,000.

As Stacks (STX) continues to grow, so will the CC treasuries. Users will flock to NYCCoin for the higher STX dividends.

Quick edit: The name and ticker symbol could also be "Stacks Dividends" (DIV).