
SF Current City Advisories

loganchadde opened this issue · 1 comments

Definition: Current events and advisories that affect San Francisco.
Data Source:
ETL: [forthcoming]
Template: [Salutation] There's a new SF advisory: [TITLE]. For more info, get the SF311 app at or call 415-701-2311.

Example: Hey! There's a new SF advisory: Ebola Fact Sheet. For more info, get the SF311 app at or call 415-701-2311.

Details are given, but they're long. Example:

Caller is concerned they or someone else has Ebola
Ask: Do you/they have any symptoms (such as fever, and additional symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or weakness?)
·       If a caller answers yes, please ask caller the following questions:
o    Have you/they travelled to West Africa (Liberia, Guinea, or Sierra Leone)?
o    Have you/they been in contact with anyone with Ebola disease in the last 21 days?
·       If caller responds "NO" to all of these questions, tell caller that they should not be concerned as we have received information from our health officials that those would be the ones at risk.
·       If caller responds "YES" to the symptoms and either of the follow up questions, warm transfer the caller to DPH's CDC&P, (415) 554-2830. Caller should be transferred to 911 out of hours.
Key facts
There is no Ebola in San Francisco
The risk of Ebola to the San Francisco general public is extremely low.
San Francisco is well prepared to respond to a communicable disease threat, including Ebola
For more information please go to the following website:
What is Ebola?
The symptoms of the virus include fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness. In many affected individuals, the illness progresses to bleeding and organ damage.
The virus is not known to spread through the air. Rather it spreads by contact with an infected individual's body secretions, such as through direct contact with bodily fluids including (but not limited to) blood, urine, stool, sweat, semen and breast milk.
For more information please go to the following website:
Please visit the San Francisco Department of Health’s website at for more information

I added some "For more info" text, but would also be cool to be able to say, "For more info, reply MORE" and then text the details.