
Create Testing Materials for residents

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Review existing testing materials to find any reusable parts:

  • [need access] Janet’s [stakeholder 1:1 interview guide (
  • Moped Users Technology Survey
  • Moped Usability Testing Signup → we would have to modify for screener questions & the types of usability testing we want to conduct (e.g. self guided, 30 min testing session)
  • Moped v0.7.0 Usability Test Plan → Test script can be reused
  • Moped Alpha self guided usability test → We can reuse format if we want to implement a self guided test

chatted with Madison on 6/29/23 and decided to move the Testing materials content from #12665 into a new Issue.


  • Start with preliminary questions about what residents expect before showing them anything

@madifan the City is doing usability testing right now for a couple of city services. Could you signup to be a tester and go through the process of user testing?

Sign up form

They're using Figma mockups which is similar to what we'll use, and I think we can use this platform to help us with virtual testing.

First draft for MPV usability test plan


Updated usability test plan based on Patrick's feedback, changes include:

  1. Divided prototype complexity level specific questions into categories of that prototype (simple, medium, complex). I am not dividing the non-prototype specific questions so we don't have a bunch of repeating text.
  2. Alter the search and filter task for each prototype so it is specific to the kinds of filters that the prototype has
  3. Replaced question wordings with suggestions
  4. Added expectation question to the opening question section. (btw the opening question section is meant to be asked before showing the prototype to the user)
  5. Added suggested questions to closing question section

Considering this complete