
Prototype SIF Internal Review Distribution

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Build light prototype of review distribution features on the SIF Assessment mod. The biggest value we can deliver is getting this activity out of Outlook and into KNACK.

MVP Features:

  • Can assign a review task to internal employees.
  • Send automated emails.
  • Send attachment in automated email
  • Review due date (manual input by user; no automation yet)
  • Review Status (Needs Review, In Review, Review Complete)
  • Review Assigned To
  • Notes
  • Attachments (and ability to modify attachments)

Potential User Workflow

  1. Case Manager (CM) creates a review distribution task
  2. CM inputs reviewer assigned, due date, attachments, notes.
  3. CM clicks "Distribute"
  4. KNACK emails the assigned reviewer
  5. Reviewer clicks begin review
  6. Reviewer adds a review comment, adds/modifies attachments
  7. Reviewer clicks end review.

For future discussion:

  • Task board?
  • Any case status automation needed?

Demo scheduled for 7/24/2024