
Enable basic project tracking from the Signal Construction page

Closed this issue · 12 comments

New field on the Knack Signals object:

  • Project - Yes/No

All projects with "Yes" should populate the Signal Construction page.

Add the following two columns to the Signal Construction page. If possible, please fields should be editable inline:

  • DO#
  • Work Assignment

Remove the following columns

  • Status Date
  • Construction Note Date

Describe the outcome you'd like to see when this feature is implemented.

More easily track the contracts, work assignments and DOs associated with each project.

Describe any workarounds you currently have in place or alternative solutions you've considered.


Requested By
Renee O.

Request ID: DTS21-102470

@dianamartin - will you size, please?

@amenity sized ☑️

@amenity - circle back with Renée and Ivonne on this.

note to self: check the functionality behind the date fields they want removed. IIRC there's functionality tied to construction notes.

I've added the requested fields to the signals object, and I also have implemented the completely new approach of using a "projects" object to store project data. I migrated all of the project data from the "signals" object accordingly.

Sent it to Renee and Ivonne for review. If we go this direction (we really need to I think), we'll have a clean-up task of removing unnecessary fields in the signals object. We also need to do some more thinking about the intersection of this new project object and the signal studies/requests data model.

OK—option 2. I went ahead and implemented the full-fledged "Projects" tracking in Data Tracker. This mirrors what I demoed for you on Friday.

Notice the new "Projects" tab across the top of the Data Tracker. This page will look very similar to the Construction Status page, but this is using the project data model. Like the construction status page, you can edit this table directly to make changes.

A signal can have multipel projects, and vice-versa. If you visit a signal details page, you'll now see a table called "Projects" with any projects listed there.

To create a new project, click the "New Project" button at the top of the signal details page.

The benefit of this approach is that it solves the duplicate funding tag you mentioned, Renee. And it more closely mirrors the structure we'll need in place to integrate with Moped.

One notable change is that you will need to actively manage the project's "Current Phase". It is not linked directly to the status of the signal. That's a potential future enhancement. I wasn't sure what phase to use for the mods/upgrades projects, so I just set them all to "Planned".

Let me know what you think—should we meet again to review?

🙌 📋🚦 📋 🙌

Recap of latest changes:
Screen Shot 2021-08-23 at 10 06 35 AM

Recap of the latest changes:

Ivonne, the "Funding" dropdown list does have an option for 1/4 Cent. Ivonne, are you suggesting that should be a "Project Sponsor" option? My impression from yesterday's conversation about "Project Sponsor" is that the name/definition of this field is still up in the air. We do have a Project Sponsor option for "COA ATD Project and Program Delivery", which I believe is Amica's group.

I went ahead and added a "Fund" field with the fund codes we use for work orders/inventory. The default is 5125.

I renamed "FDUs" to "Units" so as to distinguish it from the "Fund" component. Glad to hear that will work.

Renee, I renamed "Description" to "Project Notes", and I renamed internal and external notes field to "Internal Status Note" and "External Status Note". Is that ok?

Lastly, I re-organized the arrangement of fields on the project details page by grouping the various funding codes and IDs on the left hand side. That seemed logical to me but if you'd like these arranged differently just let me know (screenshot attached).

Checking back on the old "Signal Construction Status" screen—is it ok for me to remove that from view? I'd like to avoid potential confusion with that page now being obsolete.

The latest:

I created the "Targeted Construction Start" field and added it to the project list, details, and edit pages.

I enabled the ability to select multiple funding sources, and I added it to the project list.

It is a bit more complicated to enable you to create new funding sources, and it will affect the Moped integration, so for now if you don't mind just opening a help ticket we can add new options for you quickly.

I set the default "Fund" to blank.

I am ready when you are to add the fields for "Designer" and for "Fiscal Type", I just need you to provide me with the initial choice lists for those.

Lastly, is it ok with y'all if I remove the old "Signal Projects" page? I will keep the old data in the database for a while, but I'd like to hide that view since it's no longer the source of truth.

I have removed the old construction page and replaced it with a button that links to the new "Projects" module.

From Renee:

We are thinking to have a summary page where you have the location, designers, inspectors, status, targeted start dates, task order, etc.; where staff resource checking and leveling can occur. Page should be filterable and exportable; with the ability to sort by columns. Maybe a button at the top of the Projects page to take you to this?

Targeted construction start column is not displaying by quarter.

@johnclary do this

I've completed the latest batch of enhancements and let the AMD folks know. We can consider this closed :)

As discussed, I've added the Designer and Inspector fields to the project list and project details pages. I've also added the ability to pick multiple Fund codes. I also made sure the Targeted Construction Start date was visible on all pages. And fixed the issue with the modified dates not updating.