
2018Fall review

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ciuji commented

review of 2018fall, the first semester at Rutgers.

I took 3 courses this semester, two of them were undergraduate courses and the other one was a graduate course.


ECE503--Programming Finance--Shiyu Zhou

  • Content

    A graduate course which covers a lot of things about C++. The speed of courses is fast so it would be a little difficult if you want to catch him in the classes.

  • Homework

    A lot of homework and exercise. Some of them were interesting but some of them were boring.

  • Final

    This course has a complex final project. Students have to design a small system by themselves. It is not very hard or has so many tricks but it is not easy to figure out the logic and data path.

    This course also has a final exam which makes up a big part of the grades. The exam focuses a lot on pointers and polymorphism. And it also relates to recursion and linked list. It is not easy to get a high grade.

ECE424--Introduction to information & network security--Wade Trappe

  • Content

    A flexible course. Prof. Wade said the organization of this course is always changing so it did not have a syllabus. But I believe the main topics are always things in security.

    In this semester, we have 3 stages, in each stage, students were divided into serval groups. Each group would learn their topic and teach it to other students.

  • Homework

    Just self-evaluation and peer-evaluation. It cannot even be called as homework.

  • Final

    No final, just pizzas.

ECE445--Machine learning for engineers--Waheed U. Bajwa


  • Content

    Three main topics: regression, classification, and clustering. Several specific algorithms. Many useful and important knowledge of machine learning and feature learning like PCA and cross-validation.

  • Homework

    Not a lot of homework, most of them focus on basic math.

    Have some Jupyter Notebook exercise. Interesting but maybe a little bit hard.

  • Exam

    Have 2 in-class exams, a little bit hard, it is not easy to get high points and they make up a big part of the final grades.

  • Final project

    Complex. You have to do a lot of things in this project.
