
Issue using Terraform Provider when Upgrading with Existing Cluster

martynbristow opened this issue · 6 comments

Version: 1.0.26
Previous Version: 1.0.6 ... I've upgraded the provider and resolved issues with management but now the provider crashes:

Log file attached:


Issue appears to be: PANIC: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not string

Hi, can you show me the the tf file, is that posible ?

It's in my other laptop ...
I've since added in the definition of the node_pool.. following the examples

resource "civo_kubernetes_cluster" "martyn-production" {
name = "martyn-production"
applications = ""
firewall_id =
pools {
label = "core"
size = element(data.civo_size.small.sizes, 0).name
node_count = 3

The state is GitLab managed and it's normally run via CI...

Let me know if you need anything else to see into it

I've reproduced the error with a new terraform project. I've

If there's something wrong in the terraform, it's not meaningfully failing.

The failure happens on a Terraform Update. Create is unaffected.


  • terraform init
  • terraform apply -> Waiting til stable
  • Change No Nodes in cluster 1-2 or 2-1... Forces Change
  • terraform apply-> 🔥 with stack trace

Ok I will check this, tomorrow, will be my first task, thanks for the report