
[BUG] Changing hostname in civo_instance replaces instead of updating

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Changing the hostname and doing an apply replaces the entire instance instead of just updating the name.

You can use this code to test it

data "civo_disk_image" "debian" {
   filter {
        key = "name"
        values = ["debian-10"]

resource "civo_instance" "foo" {
    hostname = "bleh" # create and then change this to something else
    tags = ["python", "nginx"]
    notes = "this is a note for the server"
    size = "g3.xsmall"
    disk_image = data.civo_disk_image.debian.diskimages[0].id

Acceptance Criteria

  • Change it so it updates the name, not replace the entire instance

The CLI and the UI allow you to change the name already.


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