
[BUG] updating the DNS on the network resource does nothing

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If you change the DNS config after creating a network resource, the changes do not get applied.

resource "civo_network" "test-issue" {
    label = "test-something3"
    #  nameservers_v4 = [""] # uncomment this and apply again after creation

Moreover, terraform insists on removing existing DNS settings on every apply which it shouldn't do, but actually when you apply it doesn't do it. This behaviour has been described on this issue


Acceptance Criteria

  • Apply changes to DNS when the user adds them to the configuration, this does not require a replacement of the resource.
  • Ensure that all other state gets registered properly and you do not get asked to do something over and over again that's not real.
  • Ensure that the list provided on the nameservers_v4 parameter is declarative, not imperative, meaning what's there is exactly what the configuration will be, not adding on top of it


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