
[BUG] the cluster_type value does not get validated

Closed this issue · 2 comments



If you create a cluster with a gibberish value on cluster_type cluster defaults to k3s.

resource "civo_firewall" "my-firewall" {
    name = "my-firewall2"
    create_default_rules = false

    ingress_rule {
    protocol = "tcp"
    port_range = "6443"
    cidr = [""]
    label = "kubernetes-api-server"
    action = "allow"

data "civo_size" "xsmall" {
    filter {
        key = "type"
        values = ["kubernetes"]

    sort {
        key = "ram"
        direction = "asc"

resource "civo_kubernetes_cluster" "my-cluster" {
    name = "my-clusterito"
    firewall_id =
    cluster_type = "dsfsdf" # Giberish value
    pools {
        label = "front-end"
        size = element(data.civo_size.xsmall.sizes, 0).name
        node_count = 3

Acceptance Criteria

  • It should fail with an error if the value provided is not 'k3s' or 'talos'


No response

Additional information

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Hi @uzaxirr,

I worked on this issue and would like to share my approach for a review.

To resolve this, we can add a validation function, which during the planning phase itself, verifies if the cluster_type is one of talos or k3s.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 234324

It correctly throws an error:

Screenshot 2024-07-23 234340

Looks fine, raise a PR