
Check if firewall exists before deleting

zulh-civo opened this issue · 0 comments

When we have the following configuration...

resource "civo_network" "my_custom_network" {
  label  = "my-custom-network"

resource "civo_firewall" "my_custom_firewall" {
  name       = "my-custom-firewall"
  network_id =

resource "civo_firewall_rule" "http" {
  firewall_id =
  protocol    = "tcp"
  start_port  = "80"
  end_port    = "80"
  direction   = "ingress"
  label       = "web-server"
  depends_on  = [civo_firewall.my_custom_firewall]

resource "civo_kubernetes_cluster" "my_cluster" {
  name              = "my_cluster"
  num_target_nodes  = 1
  target_nodes_size = "g3.k3s.medium"
  network_id        =
  firewall_id       =

...and we want to run terraform destroy command to delete all the resources above, Civo API will auto-delete the firewall when civo_kubernetes_cluster gets deleted. Meaning, when the plugin tries to delete the firewall, the firewall is already deleted — which will throw an error like below:

tf destroy --auto-approve
civo_network.my_custom_network: Refreshing state... [id=beebbc30-0658-445f-a740-7450b17d84de]
civo_firewall.my_custom_firewall: Refreshing state... [id=226bbccb-5a54-4a28-9af8-28be9cec63fa]
civo_firewall_rule.http: Refreshing state... [id=ad383bee-b10b-4126-9d06-7afdc14a6beb]
civo_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster: Refreshing state... [id=19db89ad-857d-4c32-a3e7-5242e47977f5]

Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform

Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply":

  # civo_firewall_rule.http has been changed
  ~ resource "civo_firewall_rule" "http" {
      - direction   = "ingress" -> null
        id          = "ad383bee-b10b-4126-9d06-7afdc14a6beb"
        # (6 unchanged attributes hidden)

Unless you have made equivalent changes to your configuration, or ignored the relevant attributes using ignore_changes, the following plan may include actions to undo or respond to these changes.


Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # civo_firewall.my_custom_firewall will be destroyed
  - resource "civo_firewall" "my_custom_firewall" {
      - id         = "226bbccb-5a54-4a28-9af8-28be9cec63fa" -> null
      - name       = "my-custom-firewall" -> null
      - network_id = "beebbc30-0658-445f-a740-7450b17d84de" -> null

  # civo_firewall_rule.http will be destroyed
  - resource "civo_firewall_rule" "http" {
      - cidr        = [
          - "",
        ] -> null
      - end_port    = "80" -> null
      - firewall_id = "226bbccb-5a54-4a28-9af8-28be9cec63fa" -> null
      - id          = "ad383bee-b10b-4126-9d06-7afdc14a6beb" -> null
      - label       = "web-server" -> null
      - protocol    = "tcp" -> null
      - start_port  = "80" -> null

  # civo_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster will be destroyed
  - resource "civo_kubernetes_cluster" "my_cluster" {
      - api_endpoint           = "" -> null
      - created_at             = "2021-08-27 06:20:50 +0000 UTC" -> null
      - dns_entry              = "" -> null
      - firewall_id            = "226bbccb-5a54-4a28-9af8-28be9cec63fa" -> null
      - id                     = "19db89ad-857d-4c32-a3e7-5242e47977f5" -> null
      - installed_applications = [] -> null
      - instances              = [
          - {
              - cpu_cores = 2
              - disk_gb   = 15
              - hostname  = "k3s-my-cluster-f661f3fc-node-pool-c760"
              - ram_mb    = 4096
              - size      = ""
              - status    = "ACTIVE"
              - tags      = []
        ] -> null
      - kubeconfig             = (sensitive value)
      - kubernetes_version     = "1.20.0-k3s1" -> null
      - master_ip              = "" -> null
      - name                   = "my_cluster" -> null
      - network_id             = "beebbc30-0658-445f-a740-7450b17d84de" -> null
      - num_target_nodes       = 1 -> null
      - pools                  = [
          - {
              - count          = 1
              - id             = "1acabb3c-fa67-4d6c-92f1-b159552d19fd"
              - instance_names = [
                  - "k3s-my-cluster-f661f3fc-node-pool-c760",
              - instances      = [
                  - {
                      - cpu_cores = 2
                      - disk_gb   = 15
                      - hostname  = "k3s-my-cluster-f661f3fc-node-pool-c760"
                      - ram_mb    = 4096
                      - size      = "g3.k3s.medium"
                      - status    = "ACTIVE"
                      - tags      = []
              - size           = "g3.k3s.medium"
        ] -> null
      - ready                  = true -> null
      - status                 = "ACTIVE" -> null
      - target_nodes_size      = "g3.k3s.medium" -> null

  # civo_network.my_custom_network will be destroyed
  - resource "civo_network" "my_custom_network" {
      - default = false -> null
      - id      = "beebbc30-0658-445f-a740-7450b17d84de" -> null
      - label   = "my-custom-network" -> null
      - name    = "cust-433e075e-a401-my-custom-network" -> null

Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 4 to destroy.
civo_firewall_rule.http: Destroying... [id=ad383bee-b10b-4126-9d06-7afdc14a6beb]
civo_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster: Destroying... [id=19db89ad-857d-4c32-a3e7-5242e47977f5]
civo_firewall_rule.http: Destruction complete after 2s
civo_kubernetes_cluster.my_cluster: Destruction complete after 4s
civo_firewall.my_custom_firewall: Destroying... [id=226bbccb-5a54-4a28-9af8-28be9cec63fa]
│ Error: [ERR] an error occurred while tring to delete the firewall 226bbccb-5a54-4a28-9af8-28be9cec63fa, DatabaseFirewallNotFoundError: Failed to find that firewall in the internal database

What we should do here is, we should first check if the firewall exists or not. If exists, delete it. If not exist, ignore it.