
Skip quick menu and go straight to retroarch?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm wondering if there's a way to disable the quick menu?

I've changed the menu button to be the hotkey enable so I don't have to press select every time. This actually works great, and pressing the menu button by itself now does nothing (which I prefer).

However, my retroarch menu button (menu + B) still brings up the quick menu and means I have to choose Advanced every time. Just wondering if there's a way to bypass that and get the normal RA behaviour. I've stopped using the quick menu save and load as they were giving me problems.

Sorry but we didn't found a way to bypass trimui menu yet, it can probably be done patching ra trimui or libmenu but we didn't yet looked more at it.

Ah ok, thanks for confirming.

If video api set to Vulkan, it would work as you expected because Trimui menu didn't support vulkan lol.
But there will be side effect , vulkan driver has issue to compile shaders.....

I already tried that and changed it back because none of the slang shaders would work.