
Failed to display Swap in Memory Usage widget

aofei opened this issue · 5 comments

aofei commented

Required information:

  • ytop version (ytop -V): ytop 0.6.2
  • The output of uname -a: Linux as-raspberry-pi 5.4.50-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 12 20:24:24 MDT 2020 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Include any of the following information if relevant:

  • Terminal emulator (e.g. iTerm or gnome terminal): Blink
  • tmux version (tmux -V): tmux 3.1b
  • Any relevenat hardware info: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (8GB RAM)

Please copy or attach ~/.local/state/ytop/errors.log if it exists and contains logs: null

As shown in the snaoshot below, the ytop failed to display Swap in the Memory Usage widget. BTW, the gotop can display it normally.


I'm having a hard time reproducing this, but I only have a Pi 2 instead of a Pi 4 currently. Can you tell me:

  • What's the output of free -h?
  • What OS are you running (seeing pacman makes me think ALARM)?
  • Is this running within ssh since I see it on the process list?
aofei commented
  • What's the output of free -h?
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available               
Mem:          7.6Gi       885Mi       1.6Gi       3.0Mi       5.1Gi       6.9Gi               
Swap:            0B          0B          0B
  • What OS are you running (seeing pacman makes me think ALARM)?

Yes, I'm using Arch Linux ARM.

  • Is this running within ssh since I see it on the process list?

More precisely, it's Mosh.

Oh thank you for the very fast response! From the output of free I see you don't actually have any swap and ytop doesn't display swap if there isn't any.

And mosh seems pretty interesting. I currently use ssh + tmux for keeping a session active that's going to last longer than a single ssh session, so I'll have to check it out and compare

aofei commented

... ytop doesn't display swap if there isn't any.

I thought ytop should be consistent with gotop (since they're from the same author).

Okay, I see, thank you for your answer. ❤️