
Implement process filtering

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi. I'm trying to filter process with the / key (like is shown on the ? window, but when I type / nothing happens.

Required information:

  • ytop version (ytop -V): 0.5.1
  • The output of uname -a: Linux SPF1LT-PJ000443.ldap.quintoandar.com.br 4.19.106-1-MANJARO #1 SMP Mon Feb 24 08:17:18 UTC 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Include any of the following information if relevant:

  • Terminal emulator (e.g. iTerm or gnome terminal): Deepin Terminal
  • tmux version (tmux -V): 3.0a
  • Any relevenat hardware info:

Yeah the process filtering isn't implemented yet. It's one of the remaining todos listed in the readme. I forgot that I added it to the help menu, I can see how that can be a little confusing.

Ah, ok! Thanks for the answer :)

Looking forward to an implementation

Process filtering is a very useful feature

Do I understand correctly that the filtering hasn't been implemented yet, then (because I have also been trying to use it as per documentation with no luck)?