
Release an arm64 bin plz

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Do you mean you would like a pre compiled binary to be available for arm64?

It would be quite helpful for monitoring stuff like Raspberry pi.

I second this. I absolutely adore ytop, but I'm not much of a dev and even less of a rust person. I'd also not burden my Raspberry Pi with installing and compiling everything required to run ytop.

Please offer prebuilt binaries for ARM.

Linux dough 4.19.118-v7+ #1311 SMP Mon Apr 27 14:21:24 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux

edit: I just compiled ytop on my RPi2B, took quite a while but it appears to be working just fine. I'd rather cross-compile ytop on a different machine for the Pi, but I have no idea how.

Please, add precompiled binary for armv5te! it will work on arm7 or high
rust target arm-unknown-linux-musleabi (with no dependencies.. musl libc is static linked)

I have ytop on my raspberry pi 4 focused, aarch64 arch linux arm repo. If that'll help you.