
writers/source type information

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The <writers> element has the option for a <sources> element containing one or more outside works that influenced the creation of the media. One of the more common example is when a novel is adapted into a movie, like "Jaws", which was originally a novel. Another example would be "The Music Man", which was adapted from a play. Some movies have multiple sources, like "The Towering Inferno", which was based on two different novels.

The <source> element should be extended to identify the type of source. The easiest way is to make a type= attribute directly to the source element.

The following values for 'type' are proposed:


Every <source> element should have a unique value, where the title, type, and authors are unique.

Also consider the possibility for multiple <title> elements if they are all tied to the same author(s).

More details on possible values.

Each of the following possible values help identify past works of art that inspired the creation of the current visual work.

For example, a previously published story is considered different from a writer who came up with a story concept that was turned into a screenplay.

movieFilm based work that was previously created.Fatal Attraction
novelWritten work previously publishedThe Specialist novels
characterCharacter created previously outside of the documented work.James Bond
playStage playThe Music Man
comicBookComic book or comic book seriesHulk/Superman
newsArticleNews articleDark Waters
songBased on a song.Ode To Billie Joe

The proposed change is as follows.

<source type='(value)'>

Where value is a custom type containing one of the choices from above. The source/authors element should also be extended to support the uncredited attribute.

Additional types to consider

Value Description Example
poem Poem Beowulf
radioShow Radio program The Shadow
podcast Podcast media Homecoming



Closing notes:

There's some crossover with #51, but the intended purposes are different.

This extension describes source media that the described work of art is based on, such as the two novels that were the source material for the film, like the film Stand By Me, which was based on the short story, "The Body", by Stephen King.

<writer role='screenplay'><gn>Raynold</gn><fn>Gideon</fn></writer>
<writer role='screenplay'><gn>Buce</gn><mn>A</mn><fn>Evans</fn></writer>
<source type='novel'>
<title>The Body</title>

The other ticket covers references to media inside other media, that is not necessarily a direct source that lead to the creation of the media it references. For example, the movie "Scream" references several horror films, but it is not a direct adaptation of the films it mentions.