
Media storage cases should probably have optional id attributes

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Under productSpecs/inventory media devices have an optional id attribute that can be used as a reference value.

That feature should probably also extend to the storage elements like PIStorageGenericType, PIStorageSnapCaseType, PILayerTwoStorageType and so on.

Also, it should be considered that the attribute value type be changed from xs:positiveInteger to xs:token to be more flexible.

See related ticket: #24


The id type has been set to xs:NCName which is the best option for the desired value type. This change has also been put out on the actual media types, so the examples have had to change as well.



Closing notes:

Every device, storage case, and content element will now have an id attribute that uses the xs:NCName type.

This will be useful for upcoming ticket: #89