
Dealing with unresolvable versions

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Say your compat looks like this:

A = "1.5"
B = "2.2"

but package B's compat is

A = "1.6"

Does applying this action yield unresolvable package versions?

I think this may be the issue that I'm having here, for A=ForwardDiff and B=SpecialFunctions.

I'm dealing with a similar problem (the run is here).

I have Statistics = 1 in Project.toml. Since this is a really stable package without much versions that ships with julia, I do not care much about individual versions and want to use whichever version is compatible with the current julia version. However, this action forces Statistics to be exactly 1.0, which AFAIK doesn't even exist.

@ajwheeler yes that's correct, unless there is some older version of B which has a lower compat on A.

@simonmandlik you should use the skip option, see the readme.

@cjdoris thank you. I have seen skip in the readme, but I was wondering if the action could use the lowest existing version compatible with compat. This would require cloning the registry and is not that trivial I guess. So if I have A = "1" in the compat, it will be tested strictly with 1.0.0 version and if it doesn't exist it will fail?

As it says in the readme, if you have A = "1" this gets turned into A = "~1.0.0" by this action, meaning that any 1.0.* version could be installed. It would be very unusual for 1.0.* to not exist.

BTW this action has moved to https://github.com/julia-actions/julia-downgrade-compat, I'm about to archive this repo.