
IDS for 銊 U+928A

Opened this issue · 2 comments

U+928A 銊 ⿰金戌[GJK] ⿰金戍[TV]

should be

U+928A 銊 ⿰金戌

Yes. 只因古書「戌、戍」二者常混故兩存乎?猶如「己已巳」三字之融會也。 感恩感恩 南無阿彌陀佛


The IDS (ideographic description sequence, 漢字結構描述序列) is based on the glyph as appears in the code charts. In Unicode 9 and also 13, the code chart appears as follows:


which shows both T and V use 戌 correctly and not 戍.


Yes, but such variation is not relevant to the IDS, because the "wrong" form ⿰金戍 does not appear in the code chart.