evil-mode conflicts with setting the local variables by .dir-locals.el
shrubbroom opened this issue · 2 comments
shrubbroom commented
I use vanilla Emacs and when I turn on the evil-mode, the .dir-locals.el
cannot properly set buffer-local variables in the directory.
This is the minimum configuration to reproduce the bug:
(use-package ssh-deploy
:ensure t
:hook ((after-save . ssh-deploy-after-save)
(find-file . ssh-deploy-find-file))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-z") 'ssh-deploy-prefix-map)
(use-package evil
:ensure t
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'evil-mode)
This is my .dir-locals.el
((nil . (
(ssh-deploy-root-local . "/home/shrubbroom/Codes/C:/Users/ADIC_2020/Desktop/Lab1 demo/")
(ssh-deploy-root-remote . "/sftp:ADIC_2020@ demo/")
(ssh-deploy-async . 1)
(ssh-deploy-on-explicit-save . 1)
(ssh-deploy-force-on-explicit-save . 1)
By C-h v, the variables ssh-deploy-root-local, ssh-deploy-root-remote, etc. are nil
This is an upstream bug. I found a similar issue here doomemacs/doomemacs#2493. This is a workaround for the issue.
(advice-add #'turn-on-evil-mode :before
(lambda (&optional args)
(when (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
Maybe add a hint in the README.md
will help some evil guys(like me) get rid of several hours of searching and asking.
cjohansson commented
Ok thanks I’ll add it to the README
cjohansson commented
I added it to README now in this commit