
Had Error: "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'current_env' referenced before assignment" at line 336 in conda_change_env, fixed it myself, here is what I did.

deeredman1991 opened this issue · 1 comments

So vim was throwing me this error;


You can reproduce it using the following steps:
1). Switch to any other conda environment,
2). Switch back to the original "Anaconda3" environment and finally;
3). Attempt to switch to any other environment.

I just added the following code around line 330ish:

    default_prefix = get_default_prefix()
    # my addition:
    current_env = root_prefix

    for key, value in envnames.items():
        if value == default_prefix:
            current_env = key

and it fixed the issue.

I am just popping in to give you a heads up. Great plugin by the way!

cjrh commented

@deeredman1991 good find! If you submit a pull request I will merge it.