Not able to get cost from "SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits"
sansinghsanjay opened this issue · 0 comments
sansinghsanjay commented
I am trying to write a simple neural network using C++ TensorFlow API. I am unable to get cost from "SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits" function. I don't know the correct syntax to write this function.
I raised this issue on StackOverflow also but didn't get any solution from there. Here is the StackOverflow link
Following is my code in C++ TensorFlow:
// libraries
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tensorflow/cc/client/client_session.h"
#include "tensorflow/cc/ops/standard_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace tensorflow;
using namespace tensorflow::ops;
// main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// clear terminal
// creating tensorgraph
Scope root = Scope::NewRootScope();
// creating constants
auto x1 = Const(root, {{3.f}, {2.f}, {8.f}});
auto y1 = Const(root, {{0.f}, {1.f}, {0.f}});
// creating placeholder
auto x = Placeholder(root, DT_FLOAT, Placeholder::Shape({-1, 784}));
auto y = Placeholder(root, DT_FLOAT, Placeholder::Shape({-1, 10}));
//Tensor x(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({3}));
//Tensor y(DT_FLOAT, TensorShape({3}));
// add operation
//auto add_op = Add(root.WithOpName("add_op"), x, y);
// first layer
TensorShape weight_shape_1({784, 256});
TensorShape bias_shape_1({256});
auto weight_1 = Variable(root, weight_shape_1, DT_FLOAT);
auto bias_1 = Variable(root, bias_shape_1, DT_FLOAT);
auto layer_1 = Relu(root.WithOpName("layer_1"), Add(root, MatMul(root, x, weight_1), bias_1));
// second layer
TensorShape weight_shape_2({256, 256});
TensorShape bias_shape_2({256});
auto weight_2 = Variable(root, weight_shape_2, DT_FLOAT);
auto bias_2 = Variable(root, bias_shape_2, DT_FLOAT);
auto layer_2 = Relu(root.WithOpName("layer_2"), Add(root, MatMul(root, layer_1, weight_2), bias_2));
// output layer
TensorShape weight_shape_output({256, 2});
TensorShape bias_shape_output({2});
auto weight_output = Variable(root, weight_shape_output, DT_FLOAT);
auto bias_output = Variable(root, bias_shape_output, DT_FLOAT);
auto output_layer = Add(root.WithOpName("output_layer"), MatMul(root, layer_2, weight_output), bias_output);
// defining loss function and optimizer
auto cost = SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(root.WithOpName("cost"), output_layer, y);
// taking mean of cost
//auto mean_cost = Mean(root.WithOpName("mean_cost"), cost[0], Input({0}));
// defining optimizer
//auto optimizer = ApplyAdam(root.WithOpName("optimizer"), cost, Input({0.05f}));
// for holding output
vector<Tensor> output;
// creating session
ClientSession session(root);
// training network
//session.Run({{x, x1}, {y, y1}}, {cost}, &output);
return 0;
Please help me.
Thanks & Regards.. :-)