Apache-2.0 license


This repository is used to create the elastic beanstalk infrastructure for the Gatekeeper OIDC/OAuth2 service.


Name Version
terraform >=1.2.2
aws >=4.17.1


Name Version
aws >=4.17.1


No modules.


Name Type
aws_ecr_repository.gatekeeper_arm64 resource
aws_elastic_beanstalk_application.gatekeeper resource
aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment.web_server_prod resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.aws_eb_ec2_instance_profile resource
aws_iam_role.aws_eb_ec2_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.ecr resource
aws_security_group.ip_block resource
aws_acm_certificate.gk_cert data source
aws_elastic_beanstalk_solution_stack.stack data source
aws_iam_policy.amazon_ec2_container_registry_readonly data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role_policy data source
aws_subnets.default_subnets data source
aws_vpc.default_vpc data source


Name Description Type Default Required
app_secret A secret used by the running application string n/a yes
custom_domain The custom domain for the web server environment string n/a yes
default_vpc_id The id of the default VPC in the region string n/a yes
deployment_policy Choose a deployment policy for application version deployments string n/a yes
ecr_arm64_repo_name The name of the ECR that stores arm64 images string n/a yes
elastic_beanstalk_app_name The name of the elastic beanstalk application string n/a yes
email_from Which email address email messages are from string n/a yes
email_provider The third party service that sends email messages string n/a yes
enc_key A key used to encode / encrypt data string n/a yes
environment_type The type of elastic beanstalk environment to deploy, LoadBalanced or SingleInstance string n/a yes
inbound_ip_addresses The set of source IP addresses that are allowed to connect set(string) n/a yes
instance_types The EC2 instance types used by the app servers list(string) n/a yes
max_instance_count The maximum number of instances that can be running under peak load number n/a yes
mfa_issuer The string displayed in Google Authenticator to describe the TOTP string n/a yes
min_instance_count The minimum number of instances that should be running at all times number n/a yes
mongo_uri Connection string used to connect to MongoDB string n/a yes
outbound_ip_addresses The set of IP addresses that can be accessed on outbound connections set(string) n/a yes
region The AWS region the IaC will be deployed into string n/a yes
rolling_update_type This includes three types: time-based rolling updates, health-based rolling updates, and immutable updates. Time-based rolling updates apply a PauseTime between batches. Health-based rolling updates wait for new instances to pass health checks before moving on to the next batch. Immutable updates launch a full set of instances in a new Auto Scaling group. string n/a yes
ses_aws_identity_arn The ARN of the identity used to send email messages string n/a yes
ses_aws_region The AWS region that SES is being used in string n/a yes
sms_sender_id The string used to say where SMS messages have come from string n/a yes
tags Tags associated with all deployed IaC resources map(string) n/a yes
valid_azs The AWS availability zones the app servers should run in string n/a yes
web_server_prod_name Name of web server prod environment string n/a yes
wkc_issuer The well known config issuer url string n/a yes


Name Description
eb_application_arn n/a
eb_application_name n/a
eb_prod_env_arn n/a
eb_prod_env_cname n/a
eb_prod_env_endpoint n/a
eb_prod_env_name n/a


This code is open sourced licensed under the Apache 2.0 License