
Libpurple plugin for periodically logging presence states of buddies

Primary LanguageC

BuddyLogger libpurple Plugin
BuddyLogger is a plugin for the instant messaging library libpurple.
It can be used with IM clients which are based on libpurple like Pidgin.

The purpose of BuddyLogger is to periodically dump the presence states 
of the complete buddy list into a CSV file.

The data from the CSV file can be used creating statistics of online activity
of the buddies. The program was written as an experiment to demonstrate 
how much information is disclosed through presence states from social web 
platforms like Facebook or Google Talk. Don't be evil and use it on your 
buddies without their permission.


To build BuddyLogger the source code of a libpurple-based IM client is 
required. For this example we will assume that the source code of Pidgin 2.9.0 
is used.

Download Pidgin 2.9.0 source from http://pidgin.im/download/source/ and 
extract it to a local directory like pidgin-2.9.0/.

Copy buddylogger.c to pidgin-2.9.0/libpurple/plugins/

In pidgin-2.9.0/libpurple/plugins/ run 'make buddylogger.so'. The binary 
buddylogger.so will be created in the same directory.


You need to install (and maybe also build) the whole Pidgin client to run 
the BuddyLogger plugin. Refer to the Pidgin source documentation for 

If Pidgin is already running, stop it.

Copy buddylogger.so to the Pidgin plugins dir (i.e. /usr/lib/pidgin/). 
Probably you need to be root to do that.

Start Pidgin by calling 'pidgin'. Open the 'Plugins' dialog by selecting 
'Tools' - 'Plugins' from the menu of the 'Buddy List' window. Find 
'BuddyLogger' in the list and activate it by clicking the 'Enabled' checkbox 
next to it. The plugin is now started.


You can configure BuddyLogger by clicking the 'Configure' button at the 
bottom of the 'Plugins' dialog while 'BuddyLogger' is selected in the list.

Currently BuddyLogger lets you select the location and name of the CSV file 
and the minimum delay between log entries in seconds. Changes become 
effective immediately without restart.

Currently BuddyLogger uses libpurple callbacks for buddy state changes to 
log to the CSV file. There is no separate thread with a timer to to an exact 
periodic logging. Therefore the configurable time between the logs is a 
minimum value and no exact logging interval.