
No organization available: form error without any relevant field

frafra opened this issue · 0 comments

When there are no organizations defined and a harvest source is created, the forms gives an error, because no organization has been selected. I think this message is confusing, as there is no field for selecting such organization.

I would suggest showing a message if no organization is defined before submitting the form.

{% set show_organizations_selector = organizations_available and (user_is_sysadmin or dataset_is_draft) %}
{% if show_organizations_selector %}
{% set existing_org = data.owner_org %}
<div class="control-group form-group">
<label for="field-organizations" class="control-label">{{ _('Organization') }}</label>
<div class="controls">
<select id="field-organizations" name="owner_org" data-module="autocomplete">
<option value="" {% if not selected_org and %} selected="selected" {% endif %}>{{ _('No organization') }}</option>
{% for organization in organizations_available %}
{# get out first org from users list only if there is not an existing org #}
{% set selected_org = (existing_org and existing_org == or (not existing_org and not and == organizations_available[0].id) %}
<option value="{{ }}" {% if selected_org %} selected="selected" {% endif %}>{{ }}</option>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Instead of having only an if, an else could be created, with a link to define an organization, or some kind of help text. An empty readonly selector could also be shown.