
Add editor-plugin-conflict error code reference

jacekbogdanski opened this issue · 4 comments

Some plugins e.g. image, image2 and easyimage may be in conflict - in that case, one is more preferred than the other.

Additional data:
plugin - plugin causing conflict.
replacedWith - preferred plugin

See ckeditor/ckeditor4#2246 for more details.

Nothing in the linked documentation gives any hint at how to fix this warning.

@Pointotech do you see any possible improvements in code error description available at - ?

From my point of view the description:

Is pretty explaining what's happening - the plugins are in conflict and plugin: xxx is replaced with replacedWith: yyy, so removing one plugin or another will fix the warning. In most cases, the plugin gets replaced by a more advanced feature.

[CKEDITOR] Error code: editor-plugin-conflict. {plugin: "image", replacedWith: "image2"

To remove this conflict, you can disable the loading of the plugin that you are not going to use or load as for example:

config.removePlugins = 'image';

This way "image2" is used and "image" is not used, the alert disappears in the javascript.