
Different folder according to Token

grimmlink opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm using Symfony 4.3 and trying to have a different folder according to logged in User. I managed to create an event subscriber plugin, but inside of it there is no way to access the logged User.

I need to access a property of it, any idea how to ?

Also I found what I believe is a bug in the connector code:

In ckfinder/ckfinder-symfony-bundle/_connector/Config.php line 481
array_replace_recursive($values, $this->options[$nodeName])
should be
array_replace_recursive($this->options[$nodeName], $values)

Salut @grimmlink,

I confirm the bug for array__replace__recursive($this->options[$nodeName], $values) in ckfinder-symfony-bundle/_connector/Config.php.... Works better now !

I have the same case as you : one folder per logged user.

For example, in my config/packages/ckfinder.yml :

	    # Other options...
		    name: MyFolder
		    backend: default
		    # I'm not using 'Files' or 'Images' default folders

In my src/Security/CKFinderAuthenticator.php :

public function authenticate()
    $auth = $this->container->get('security.authorization_checker');
    if ($auth->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) {
	    $user = $this->container->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
	    $ckfinder = $this->container->get('ckfinder.connector');  

	    //The user folder : Username in my project
	    $ckfinder['config']->extend('resourceTypes', [
		    'MyFolder' => ['directory' => $user->getUserName()]

	    //Check your config object and/or node :
	    return true;
    return false;

May be someone can confirm and add this issue to the next pull request with a unit test ? @zaak ? :)

Cheers !

I also confirm the bug, thank you @Mick3DIY for this complete example

@zaak, can you do the test on your end?

thanks in advance