
Can't redefine CKFinder plugins directory

Mick3DIY opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello ! :)

I'm testing your bundle in a Symfony 4 project. I would like to move the default folder 'public/bundles/fosckeditor/plugins' in to my project folder like 'src/EventSubscriber'. It's for making a plugin class and versionning it.

According to the documentation it's possible... Here :

But I have an error when I check with the URI '.../ckfinder/connector?command=Init' :

Unrecognized option "pluginsDirectory" under "ckfinder.connector". Available options are "accessControl", ... "plugins", ... "xSendfile".

I found something for resolving this issue in this post :

How can I help to add this code to the original one ? @zaak ?

Cheers !