Problem with service "service_locator.skAoktg"
reunisoft opened this issue · 8 comments
I've migrated to symfony 6.1 and i follow all the instruction mentioned in file.
Installation of bundle and assets, js worked very well.
When i try to redeploy after remove vendor and vars directories, i've the following error:
The service ".service_locator.skAoktg" has a dependency on a non-existent service "CKSource\CKFinder\CKFinder".
Someone has an idea how to fix it ?
Hello @reunisoft,
after vendor deletion, did you go "composer install" and after that "php bin/console ckfinder:download"? It looks like you don't have "CKSource\CKFinder\CKFinder" class, which must be in "/vendor/ckfinder/ckfinder-symfony-bundle/_connector".
I've done the following several times:
- delete vendor and var directories
- composer install
- php bin/console ckfinder:download
- php bin/console assets:install
In fact i follow the steps to install the bundle
The CKFinder is in directory /vendor/ckfinder/ckfinder-symfony-bundle/_connector, namespace is also OK
I've also try to add in the file config/package/ckfinder.yaml the following lines:
licenseName: xx
licenseKey: xxxx
authenticationClass: App\CustomCKFinderAuth\CustomCKFinderAuth
connectorClass: App\Service\CKCustomFinder
CKCustomFinder is a copy of the class CKSource\CKFinder\CKFinder
When i go to the webapplication i've directly the error
Hi @reunisoft,
please correct me, if i get it wrong. You deleted vendor directory (it is not present in your project) and then you use command "php bin/console ckfinder:download"?