
gnome-terminal is all transparent without blur

Opened this issue · 7 comments

version: gnome-shell-extension-blur-me-git 7.r67.g34fa33d-1

I'm using the dock-dash, it's all black, and the terminal gnome is all transparent, clear and blur-free

Captura de tela de 2021-07-13 01-00-30

not only that, but the extensions application suffers from the same issue, as well as the materia shell theme, and context menus

i'd prefer that applications and menus that don't support the blur could just have the dark theme or something; dunno. The issue is that it is hard to read

But gnome-terminal should be something simple, but it's not getting blur.

Another serious problem is high CPU consumption.

@MRSS02 did you toggle off blur for those apps in the panel menu?

You might have not enabled application blur at all in preferences...

@MRSS02 did you toggle off blur for those apps in the panel menu?

toggling blur on and off changes nothing for those apps

also yeah i've activated application blur