
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nstorm the Nodejs mvc framework

Demo : http://anstorm.wvovo.com/ (静态版本暂不提供DEMO 这是ANGULAR版本https://github.com/ckken/ANstormJs)

author : @KenZR

sina weibo: http://weibo.com/cksky

blog: http://www.vcotime.com/

be good at : php javascript nodejs html css and so on;

this framework is use to develop site for MVC and easy to modularization development

app is the main function module include :

    lib     : action model
    site    : function modules 
    conf    :web configs
    common  : functions
    rumtime : cache
    template:view Layer

node_modules is the nodejs npm functions

static include :

  images : web images 
  data   : images files
  editor : Rich Text
  js : include lib seajs and style
       lib : something about jquery and some js library and ui and so on
       style :function modules

app.js is the entry