
Fix .desktop file for AppImage

probonopd opened this issue · 10 comments

Please provide the AppImage for download on GitHub Releases, thanks.

New set of binaries (including x86_64 AppImage) will be up for the next version bump, hopefully in the next couple of days.

1.0.0 binaries are available now

Thank you. Getting errors when checking the desktop file with desktop-file-validate:

kevedit.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated
FATAL: Key Categories is not in .desktop file exactly once
  • Please remove the Encoding= line
  • Please add at least one of the main categories in the Categories= key.
Main Category Description Notes
AudioVideo Application for presenting, creating, or processing multimedia (audio/video)
Audio An audio application Desktop entry must include AudioVideo as well
Video A video application Desktop entry must include AudioVideo as well
Development An application for development
Education Educational software
Game A game
Graphics Application for viewing, creating, or processing graphics
Network Network application such as a web browser
Office An office type application
Science Scientific software
Settings Settings applications Entries may appear in a separate menu or as part of a "Control Center"
System System application, "System Tools" such as say a log viewer or network monitor
Utility Small utility application, "Accessories"

In addition, you could specify one or more from the longer list of Additional Categories.

Please test the result with desktop-file-validate and make sure it passes.


Thanks! I'll reopen this to track this issue.

Fixes for the .desktop file have been released in 1.0.1.

Thanks for adding a category; however it still doesn't seem to pass desktop-file-validate:

kevedit.desktop: error: value "Game" for string list key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character

The line should look like this:



Thanks, I'll update the file later today.

Is there some other check that's finding these problems? I'm using desktop-file-validate 0.23, and the only thing it's caught is the warning about Encoding being deprecated in the previous version.

$ equery b `which desktop-file-validate`
 * Searching for /usr/bin/desktop-file-validate ...
dev-util/desktop-file-utils-0.23 (/usr/bin/desktop-file-validate)
$ desktop-file-validate kevedit.desktop
$ echo $?

I'm using the version of desktop-file-validate that comes with Ubuntu 14.04, and that version gives the error.

Looks like that's version 0.22. I guess they loosened the requirements in 0.23.

At any rate, updated the .desktop file and validated with 0.22, so the latest binaries should be good to go.

Thanks for your help!

Thank you.