
Program randomly freezes

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello... I'm using your library and I don't know why but my program randomly freezes sometimes. My program is pretty simple and is pretty much just copying the code sample you provide @ (actually, your code sample was also freezing when I tried it).

Could it have to do with the version of python I'm using? (2.7.9)
I installed TwitterSearch through pip. I hope its not some deadlock issue.

Here's what I've been running:

from TwitterSearch import *
from time import sleep
    tso = TwitterSearchOrder() # create a TwitterSearchOrder object
    tso.set_keywords(['#vr', '-RT']) # let's define all words we would like to have a look for
    tso.set_language('en') # hell no German, I want English!
    tso.set_include_entities(False) # and don't give us all those entity information

    # it's about time to create a TwitterSearch object with our secret tokens
    ts = TwitterSearch(
        consumer_key = 'xxxx',
        consumer_secret = 'xxxx',
        access_token = 'xxxx',
        access_token_secret = 'xxxx'

    # open file for writing
    text_file = open("#vrtest.txt", "w")

    # check when to stop
    iterations = 0
    max_tweets = 100000

    # callback fucntion used to check if we need to pause the program
    def my_callback_closure(current_ts_instance): # accepts ONE argument: an instance of TwitterSearch
        queries, tweets_seen = current_ts_instance.get_statistics()

        if queries > 0 and (queries % 2) == 0: # trigger delay every other query
            print("\nQueries: " + str(queries) + " now sleeping, 1 minute.\n");
            sleep(60) # sleep for 60 seconds

     # this is where the fun actually starts :)
    for tweet in ts.search_tweets_iterable(tso, callback=my_callback_closure):

        current_line = "%s" % ( tweet['text'] )

        iterations = iterations + 1
        print( "i: " + str(iterations) + " - " + tweet['user']['screen_name'] + " tweeted: " + current_line )

        text_file.write(current_line.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') + "\n")

        # wait 1 second every 10 tweets
        if (iterations % 10 == 0):
            print("\nSleeping 1 second.\n")

        if (iterations >= max_tweets):

except TwitterSearchException as e: # take care of all those ugly errors if there are some

    # close file

I edited your code to remove your credentials. Remember to renew them immediately as they are likely to be stored in the Google Cache!

According your problem: I'll look into it this weekend. My first guess is that there is some kind of infinite loop or a problem in the library itself when calling the callback function.

Is this behavior also present when you run it under Python3?
Also, when exactly does the program freeze? Like after how many executions of the callback function?


From the printouts that I can recall, it seemed to only happen after querying (but before the function callback). Also, its after a random number of queries... I'm using the default of 100 tweets per query now, and sometimes it stops at 500, sometimes 300, sometimes 1000+.

I'll try it on different versions of python.

Tried on Python 2.7.10 and 3.5, I'm still getting the same issue.

I'm running Windows 10 by the way.

I'm looking into the issue as soon as I have a bit of spare time :)
Looks like a bug in TwitterSearch.

Thanks again for bringing this up here!

Hi, your sample code is not working even on Python 3.5. I isolated it to the for statement in

for tweet in ts.search_tweets_iterable(tso):
    print( '@{} tweeted: {}' , ( tweet['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text'] ) )

So I tried fooling around with your API and realized that none of the functions search_tweets() or search_tweets_iterable() work as expected. I too installed TwitterSearch from pip. Gentle reminder that this bug exists.

I'll look into this once I have a bit of spare time. Thanks for bringing this up again!