
Some demos of GoFrame.

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GoFrame Demos

This repo implements some demos using GoFrame.

  1. A simple websocket chat service.
  2. Basic API example for user SignUp/SignIn.
  3. Universal CURD service.


1. You need a go development environment setup before everything starts taking off.

2. Use git clone cloing the repo to your local folder.

git clone https://github.com/gogf/gf-demos

3. Create configuration file from config.example.toml.

cp config/config.example.toml config/config.toml

Update config.toml according to your local configurations if necessary.

4. Run command go run main.go, and you'll see something as follows if success:

  SERVER  | DOMAIN  | ADDRESS | METHOD |        ROUTE        |                              HANDLER                              |           MIDDLEWARE             
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /chat               | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/chat.(*Controller).Index         | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /chat/index         | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/chat.(*Controller).Index         | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /chat/setname       | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/chat.(*Controller).SetName       | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /chat/websocket     | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/chat.(*Controller).WebSocket     | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /curd/:table/all    | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/curd.(*Controller).All           | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /curd/:table/delete | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/curd.(*Controller).Delete        | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /curd/:table/one    | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/curd.(*Controller).One           | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /curd/:table/save   | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/curd.(*Controller).Save          | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /curd/:table/update | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/curd.(*Controller).Update        | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/checknickname | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).CheckNickName | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/checkpassport | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).CheckPassport | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/issignedin    | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).IsSignedIn    | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/profile       | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).Profile       | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/profile       | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).Profile       | middleware.CORS,middleware.Auth  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/signin        | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).SignIn        | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/signout       | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).SignOut       | middleware.CORS                  
  default | default | :8199   | ALL    | /user/signup        | github.com/gogf/gf-demos/app/api/user.(*Controller).SignUp        | middleware.CORS                  

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