ERROR: Entitlements/cartOffersValidation: Request failed with status code 401
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Freekers commented
Describe the bug
A game is available for grabs, but it fails to obtain it with ERROR: Entitlements/cartOffersValidation: Request failed with status code 401
Screenshots or Logs
> epicgames-freegames-node@5.0.0 entrypoint-config
> node dist/src/entrypoint-config.js
Setting timezone: UTC
Run on startup: true
[2024-01-02 20:31:06.248 +0000] INFO: Started epicgames-freegames-node
COMMIT_SHA: "31392bfbb6f03bbbc1b6c8a660d71ec7f57bcf2f"
BRANCH: "master"
DISTRO: "alpine"
[2024-01-02 20:31:06.249 +0000] DEBUG: Performing version check
PROJECT_NAME: "epicgames-freegames-node"
BRANCH: "master"
COMMIT_SHA: "31392bfbb6f03bbbc1b6c8a660d71ec7f57bcf2f"
[2024-01-02 20:31:06.489 +0000] DEBUG: Starting web server
[2024-01-02 20:31:06.492 +0000] INFO: Checking free games for
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:06.493 +0000] DEBUG: Launching a new browser
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:06.664 +0000] INFO: Dispatching notification
user: ""
reason: "LOGIN"
url: "<REDACTED>"
[2024-01-02 20:31:12.726 +0000] DEBUG: Redirecting request to Epic Login URL
user: ""
verificationUrl: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.608 +0000] DEBUG: Auth token response
user: ""
authResp: {
"access_token": "<REDACTED>",
"expires_in": 7200,
"expires_at": "2024-01-02T22:31:33.554Z",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "<REDACTED>",
"refresh_expires": 28800,
"refresh_expires_at": "2024-01-03T04:31:33.555Z",
"account_id": "<REDACTED>",
"client_id": "<REDACTED>",
"internal_client": true,
"client_service": "prod-fn",
"displayName": "MyUserName",
"app": "prod-fn",
"in_app_id": "<REDACTED>",
"product_id": "prod-fn",
"application_id": "<REDACTED>",
"acr": "urn:epic:loa:aal1",
"auth_time": "2024-01-02T20:31:33.554Z"
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.608 +0000] INFO: Successful login, saving auth token
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.609 +0000] INFO: searchStrategy is `all`: searching for weekly and promotional games
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.609 +0000] DEBUG: Getting current weekly free games list
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.610 +0000] DEBUG: Setting auth from device auth
user: ""
deviceAuth: {
"access_token": "<REDACTED>",
"expires_in": 7200,
"expires_at": "2024-01-02T22:31:33.554Z",
"token_type": "bearer",
"refresh_token": "<REDACTED>",
"refresh_expires": 28800,
"refresh_expires_at": "2024-01-03T04:31:33.555Z",
"account_id": "<REDACTED>",
"client_id": "<REDACTED>",
"internal_client": true,
"client_service": "prod-fn",
"displayName": "MyUserName",
"app": "prod-fn",
"in_app_id": "<REDACTED>",
"product_id": "prod-fn",
"application_id": "<REDACTED>",
"acr": "urn:epic:loa:aal1",
"auth_time": "2024-01-02T20:31:33.554Z"
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.610 +0000] DEBUG: Logging in with puppeteer
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.610 +0000] DEBUG: Launching a new browser
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:33.699 +0000] DEBUG: Launching a new page
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:31:36.316 +0000] DEBUG: Getting product info using pageSlug
user: ""
pageSlug: "20-minutes-till-dawn-be3305"
[2024-01-02 20:31:36.444 +0000] DEBUG: Page slug response
user: ""
pageSlug: "20-minutes-till-dawn-be3305"
storePageMapping: {
"pageSlug": "20-minutes-till-dawn-be3305",
"pageType": "productHome",
"sandboxId": "ee9fad7056a94957b3a4d8c457000337",
"productId": "e35e2b0c2411423fb6cd97c1dda51e07",
"createdDate": "2023-12-31T13:18:42.328Z",
"updatedDate": "2023-12-31T13:18:42.384Z",
"mappings": {
"cmsSlug": null,
"offerId": "9758dccdbda54c1387f732d0d7d03b3b",
"offer": {
"id": "9758dccdbda54c1387f732d0d7d03b3b",
"namespace": "ee9fad7056a94957b3a4d8c457000337",
"effectiveDate": "2024-01-02T16:00:00.000Z",
"expiryDate": null
"prePurchaseOfferId": null,
"prePurchaseOffer": null,
"pageId": null
[2024-01-02 20:31:36.610 +0000] DEBUG: Getting global free games
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.449 +0000] DEBUG: Retrieved catalog data for 1480 games
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.449 +0000] DEBUG: Found 1 unique free games in catalog
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.450 +0000] INFO: Available free games
user: ""
availableGames: [
"20 Minutes Till Dawn"
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.450 +0000] DEBUG: Checking ownership and prerequesites on available games
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.450 +0000] DEBUG: Getting offers validation info
user: ""
offerId: "9758dccdbda54c1387f732d0d7d03b3b"
namespace: "ee9fad7056a94957b3a4d8c457000337"
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.889 +0000] DEBUG:
0: {
"message": "Entitlements/cartOffersValidation: Request failed with status code 401",
"locations": [
"line": 3,
"column": 5
"correlationId": "",
"serviceResponse": "{\"errorCode\":\"\",\"errorMessage\":\"Authentication failed for /api/public/purchase/cart/offers\",\"messageVars\":[\"/api/public/purchase/cart/offers\"],\"numericErrorCode\":1032,\"originatingService\":\"com.epicgames.entitlement.public\",\"intent\":\"prod\",\"errorStatus\":401}",
"stack": null,
"path": [
user: ""
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.889 +0000] ERROR: Entitlements/cartOffersValidation: Request failed with status code 401
user: ""
err: {
"type": "Error",
"message": "Entitlements/cartOffersValidation: Request failed with status code 401",
Error: Entitlements/cartOffersValidation: Request failed with status code 401
at PuppetFreeGames.canPurchase (/usr/app/src/puppet/free-games.ts:303:13)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at PuppetFreeGames.getPurchasableFreeGames (/usr/app/src/puppet/free-games.ts:319:28)
at PuppetFreeGames.getAllFreeGames (/usr/app/src/puppet/free-games.ts:419:30)
at redeemAccount (/usr/app/src/index.ts:48:20)
at run (/usr/app/node_modules/p-queue/dist/index.js:163:29)
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.910 +0000] WARN: Current version
COMMIT_SHA: "31392bfbb6f03bbbc1b6c8a660d71ec7f57bcf2f"
BRANCH: "master"
DISTRO: "alpine"
[2024-01-02 20:32:01.910 +0000] INFO: Exiting successfully
Run once: false
Setting cron schedule as 0 0,6,12,18 * * *
Additional context
Contents of config.json
"runOnStartup": true,
"cronSchedule": "0 0,6,12,18 * * *",
"logLevel": "debug",
"webPortalConfig": {
"baseUrl": "",
"accounts": [
"email": "",
"notifiers": [
"type": "telegram",
"token": "<REDACTED>",
"chatId": "<REDACTED>",
Thanks :)
rcourtman commented
+1, getting this as well