
command line interface

clach04 opened this issue · 2 comments


chi_tool -e -p password inputfile -o outputfile
chi_tool -e -p password - -o outputfile # read from stdin
chi_tool -e -p password -o outputfile # also read from stdin


chi_tool -d -p password inputfile -o outputfile
chi_tool -p password inputfile -o outputfile
chi_tool inputfile -o outputfile  # prompt for password
chi_tool -p password inputfile -o -  # stdout
chi_tool -p password inputfile  # also stdout
chi_tool -P password_file inputfile -o outputfile

If OS environment variable CHI_PASSWORD set use that as password instead of prompting.

If password keychain available use that instead of prompt. - #6

Initial version submitted. Only tested with Python 2 so far


  • ✔️ password file
  • ✔️ Usability (e.g. output to stderr prompts when using stdin
  • ✔️ Docs
  • ✔️ Charset encoding - partial
  • Key Ring/chain - defer to new issue #6