
Hour of the Dead

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Should there be an HotD? A time (UTC) during which no clacks messages may be sent.

Yeah definitely :-)

I don't think the protocol should be enforcing an HotD, but as it's an interconnection into or out of a Clacks network, and different Clacks networks might be running different HotDs, maybe a HotD-delivery-failed header response and the User-Agent should try again later? Or allow for buffering the requests at the edge of the network to be transmitted post HotD (with appropriate HotD-delivery-delayed response header)

503 Service Unavailable. This looks like the correct response. As you say each external network will have its own HotD. We can say that conforming CoHTTP gateways SHOULD send Retry-After but they're still allowed to refuse connections.