
shows first few frames before moving to start time

elevenpast opened this issue · 1 comments

I have noticed that if I set the offset to a very large number for the start time, the video will start playing at 0 and before eventually jumping forward.

Video-js version 4.12.11

offset: {
start: 3151,
end: 3181,
restart_beginning: 'true'

Is there any way to avoid this? Thanks a bunch, and great plugin!


Hello @elevenpast

I've come across this issue as well. In my case it used to happen with mp4 videos, after an intense research I found out my videos were not "faststart" check this out. It fixed my starting delay problems.

However, I agree with you, the plugin shouldn't behave like it does for a large start number. I'll try to figure out a solution and get back to you.

Thank you.

P.D. Sorry for the delay, busy September... :(