Test Yo(Gi) Self !

Test Yo(Gi) Self! is a web app matching game that tests the user's knowledge on yoga positions. There are a selection of 4 options to match with the pictures.

This was my first time using the JavaScript library Vue, and I wanted to embrace the challenge of building a simple game. My focus was on building the game logic

Getting Started

Use the clone button to download the game source code. Open the index.html file in your browser and the game should start, if not check the console for any issues.

Challenges and Future Improvements

I really liked using the v-if functionality and the ability to $emit from child components to the parent.

I ideally would have liked to use a library such as vue draggable to create drag and drop functionality as an interesting way to match the answer with an image.

I struglled with passing arrays down from parent to child components as props, and will spend more time working on this in future challenges.

I started creating a finishing screen and leaderboard in local storage - so will continue to work on this later - it was something that I underestmated in terms of transferring the knowledge I had gained with creating these in React.

I also plan to be able to remove items as they are clicked, in order to create a better experience visually.

Technology-wise, I would like to spend some time working with the Vue-cli and Vue creat app.