
freshclam.exe exit code 1 on Database is up-to-date

Forusim opened this issue · 4 comments


using the freshclam.exe in batch I try to capture some errors.

According to the exit code on "Database is up-to-date" should be 0, but with the version 0.100.0 I receive exit code 1.

Is this a bug or a feature?

You may call it feature :) please look at FC_UPTODATE is 1

Hello, sorry just stumbled into here after looking for the same error reason, and reading the docs telling me

0 : Database is up-to-date or successfully updated.

Is this just that freshclam manpage is outdated, or I'm missing something?


Ping. We ran into the same issue. Not sure why 1 was chosen for successful database update. Is it possible to change this to 0 and be consistent with the man page ?

I'm stuck with new freshclam version 101. With version 100 everything was fine in updates. Now, after an update, even if I delete the whole database from the database folder freshclam says always "Database is up-to-date or successfully updated". Bah? Where are the databases? Is Freshclam still looking at the freshclam.conf or something is changed?