
Cursing dunder methods fails with: KeyError: '<method_to_curse>'

sgerodes opened this issue · 5 comments

curse(str, '__eq__', str.__ne__)

fails with:

  File ".../python3.6/site-packages/forbiddenfruit/", line 425, in curse
    _curse_special(klass, attr, value)
  File ".../python3.6/site-packages/forbiddenfruit/", line 332, in _curse_special
    tp_as_name, impl_method = override_dict[attr]
KeyError: '__eq__'

Also other dunder methods fails. e.g.:

curse(int, '__new__', <some other method>)
curse(float, '__dict__', <some other method>)

I've had the same problems as well. I was messing around with dunders, and some raise KeyError where the attr definitely exists (I checked with __dict__ and similar things). However, this is peculiar:


It didn't raise an error.
Do only some dunders not work?

Also, other issues with the same format (cursing __something__ fails) seem to be the same problem, but just more specific (cursing __init__ fails, __iter__ fails, etc)

__str__ and __new__ have been registered

and my pull request will register a lot more
You know what? Ill try to register them all.

Another proof that cursing dunder methods fails.

I was trying to make numeric types callable, to implement implicit multiplication as it's known in some programming languages such as Julia.

from forbiddenfruit import curse, reverse

def __call__(self, other, /):
  return self * other

for cls in (int, float, complex):
  curse(cls, "__call__", __call__)


This of course gave a SyntaxWarning that int objects are not callable, but also threw a KeyError: '__call__'.