Unable to get the plugin to work for repositories within a pluginManagement block
Opened this issue · 5 comments
As I don't see any pluginManagement in your README.md, I assume it's not supported.
Are you aware of any such limitation?
This is what I'm trying to do:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri(
As I intend to publish gradle plugins to CodeArtifact, other projects need a way to consume said plugins...
This allowed me to add pluginManagement repositories support for CodeArtifact
class CodeArtifactPluginRepositoriesPlugin implements Plugin<Settings> {
void apply(Settings settings) {
def gradle = settings.getGradle()
def pluginRepositories = settings.pluginManagement.repositories
SharedFunctions.setupCodeartifactRepositoriesByUrl(gradle, pluginRepositories)
It would be better if this could be baked into the library so that others can profit from it.
I don't have a PR because:
- the setupCodeartifactRepositories() variant seems to be doing some magic that does not allow me to use @TypeChecked (so I had to comment it out entirely), and that capability (adding repository through a
block??) is not mentioned in the README.md. - a logger is not available when dealing with Settings (at least, none that I can find). So I had to use println instead to cover the Project and the Settings execution path in the shared
configRepositories(RepositoryHandler repositories, Provider<CodeArtifactToken> serviceProvider)
class CodeArtifactRepositoriesPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
def gradle = project.getGradle()
//setupCodeartifactRepositories(project, serviceProvider) <-- magic
SharedFunctions.setupCodeartifactRepositoriesByUrl(gradle, project.repositories)
Other than that the SharedFunctions contains the functions required by both plugins
package ai.clarity.codeartifact
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.MavenArtifactRepository
import org.gradle.api.invocation.Gradle
import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
class SharedFunctions {
static Provider<CodeArtifactToken> codeArtifactTokenProviderFor(Gradle gradle) {
return gradle
.registerIfAbsent('codeartifact-token', CodeArtifactToken.class, {})
static void setupCodeartifactRepositoriesByUrl(Gradle gradle, RepositoryHandler repositories) {
configRepositories(repositories, codeArtifactTokenProviderFor(gradle))
private static void configRepositories(RepositoryHandler repositories, Provider<CodeArtifactToken> serviceProvider) {
ListIterator it = repositories.listIterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
def artifactRepository = it.next()
if (artifactRepository instanceof MavenArtifactRepository) {
MavenArtifactRepository mavenRepo = (MavenArtifactRepository) artifactRepository;
URI repoUri = mavenRepo.getUrl()
if (isCodeArtifactUri(repoUri) && areCredentialsEmpty(mavenRepo)) {
String profile = getProfileFromUri(repoUri, getDefaultProfile())
//logger.info('Getting token for {} in profile {}', repoUri.toString(), profile) <-- no logger for Settings
println("Getting token for $repoUri in profile $profile")
String token = serviceProvider.get().getToken(repoUri, profile)
it.username = 'aws'
it.password = token
private static String getDefaultProfile() {
private static URI removeProfile(URI uri) {
private static boolean areCredentialsEmpty(MavenArtifactRepository mavenRepo) {
private static boolean isCodeArtifactUri(URI uri) {
private static String getProfileFromUri(URI uri, String defaultValue) {
And the gradlePlugin block declares each of them separately
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
codeArtifactRepositories {
id = 'ai.clarity.codeartifact.repositories'
implementationClass = 'ai.clarity.codeartifact.CodeArtifactRepositoriesPlugin'
codeArtifactPluginRepositories {
id = 'ai.clarity.codeartifact.pluginRepositories'
implementationClass = 'ai.clarity.codeartifact.CodeArtifactPluginRepositoriesPlugin'
I'm going to submit a PR, with the smallest change possible, as I was unable to refactor effectively in the absence of type checking (some errors only show up at runtime, after publishing the plugin, making the refactoring experience hell).
Created a PR (#230). Keep what you like and throw the rest away.
Updated #230
Updated PR #230 hopefully for the last time.