
Contrast of highlight might need some work

corbob opened this issue · 4 comments

Depending on the vscode theme in use, could actually make it harder to view contents.


Appreciate the feedback. Check out the VS Code settings Twitch Highlighter: Highlight Color and Twitch Highlighter: Highlight Border to customize the look that works best for your theme.

Let me know if that helps. If it does we can close this issue then.

It helps, but only for that comment. If I hit a line that's not comment it opens up more contrast issues. What about adding a foreground color along with it so you don't have to worry about syntax highlighting making it hard to read?

This is a great suggestion and I've completed some work that adds a new setting to adjust the font color within highlights. It's currently open for review in #55. I'll close this issue once it has been reviewed, merged and published in the 0.1.4 release.

#55 has been merged now so we can close this and we'll publish a new release as version 0.1.4. Expect these changes in that updated version