
Set channel setting in settings screen instead of settings.json

SpyderHunter03 opened this issue · 5 comments

I think we should be able to enter the channel name in the settings screen (Ctrl + ,) instead of having to come into the settings.json screen.

For multichannel setups:


As a user of the extension, I want to set up multiple channels.

Possible implementation

  • Make it an array. Keep in mind that the 'string' now has to become array ['string'].
  • Make it a comma separate list 'string, string`

@lampewebdev Are you using multiple channels from the same service, that is multiple channels on Twitch?

@lampewebdev Where did that requirement come from? And have you seen a valid use case IN ACTION that would use multichannel setup? (I can come up with a valid use case but have not seen it being utilized)

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I have published a PR that changes the channels setting from an array of string to a comma separated string value. This will allow you to edit the channels from the settings screen (CTRL+,)!

Addressed in #76 and expected to be released in 0.1.5. Thanks for this feedback @SpyderHunter03 and let us know if you have any further feedback on our approach to solving this issue.