
A bundle of Go utilities with HTTP server with gracefully shutdown and sessions

Primary LanguageGo


go get -u github.com/clarkk/go-util


Lightweight HTTP server

  • Shutdown gracefully on SIGINT (CTRL+C or "kill -INT $pid")
  • With regex pattern in routes
  • Bind HTTP methods to routes
  • Set individual timeout on each route (with context.WithTimeout() on request handler)
  • Supports customizable build adapters/middleware

All incoming HTTP requests will have trailing slashes trimmed before matching with route pattern: /foo/bar/ => /foo/bar


package main

import (

func init(){
  log.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Llongfile | log.Lmicroseconds)

func main(){
  h := serv.NewHTTP("", 3000)
  //  Accepts only GET methods (with 60 seconds timeout)
  h.Route(serv.GET, "/get", 60, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
    defer serv.Recover(w)
    io.WriteString(w, "This only accepts GET methods")
  //  Accepts all methods: GET, POST, DELETE etc. (with 60 seconds timeout)
  h.Route(serv.ALL, "/", 60, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
    defer serv.Recover(w)
    path, slugs := serv.Get_path_slugs(r, "")
    fmt.Println("path:", path)
    fmt.Println("slugs:", slugs)
    io.WriteString(w, "Hello world!")

Accepts all HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.) with 60 second timeout

h.Route(serv.ALL, "/", 60, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
  defer serv.Recover(w)
  path, slugs := serv.Get_path_slugs(r, "")
  fmt.Println("path:", path)
  fmt.Println("slugs:", slugs)
  io.WriteString(w, "Hello world!")

Accepts only HTTP POST with 120 second timeout

h.Route(serv.POST, "/post", 120, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
  defer serv.Recover(w)
  io.WriteString(w, "This route only accepts POST methods!")

Regex route pattern with 60 second timeout

All regex routes will automatically be pre-compiled and prefixed with a ^ starting anchor

/base_path/([^/]+) is compiled as ^/base_path/([^/]+)

Tip! Use serv.RE_SLUG as placeholder for ([^/]+) => "/base_path/"+serv.RE_SLUG+"/test/"+serv.RE_SLUG

h.Route_regex(serv.ALL, "/base_path/([^/]+)/test/([^/]+)", 60, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
  defer serv.Recover(w)
  slug1 := serv.Get_pattern_slug(r, 0)
  slug2 := serv.Get_pattern_slug(r, 1)
  io.WriteString(w, "regex path slug names: "+slug1+" "+slug2)

Build custom adapters/middleware

//  Applies a DB transaction to the request context
func adapt_tx() serv.Adapter {
  return func(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
      //  Begin a new DB transaction
      tx := dbd.Begin(r.Context())
      defer tx.Rollback()
      //  Do other stuff here BEFORE the request is served
      //  Apply it to the request context
      //  https://github.com/clarkk/go-dbd
      r = dbd.Apply(r, tx)
      //  Serve the request (call next adapter)
      h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
      //  Do other stuff here AFTER the request is served

h.Route_regex(serv.GET, "/get/"+serv.RE_SLUG, TIMEOUT, serv.Adapt(
    func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
      //  Fetch the DB transaction from request context
      //  https://github.com/clarkk/go-dbd
      tx  := dbd.Applied(r)
      table := serv.Get_pattern_slug(r, 0)
      io.WriteString(w, "table: "+table)
    //  Apply a chain of adapters


Lightweight HTTP sessions

  • With read/write lock to prevent concurrent requests to read/write to the same session data
  • Handles all sessions internal in Go to improve I/O performance
  • Uses Redis as failover if Go HTTP server is restarted/crashed to preserve and recover sessions


import (

//  Connect to Redis

//  Initiate session pool and maintenance tasks

h.Route(serv.ALL, "/", 60, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
  defer serv.Recover(w)
  //  Start session (with read-lock)
  s := sess.Start(w, r)
  defer s.Close()
  //  Get session data
  data := s.Get()
  fmt.Println("session data:", data)
  //  Write data to session
  data["test"] = "My data"
  //  Close session as soon as possible to release the read-lock
  io.WriteString(w, "Hello world!")

Login (start, regenerate session id and close)

h.Route(serv.ALL, "/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
  defer serv.Recover(w)
  //  Start session (with read-lock)
  s := sess.Start(w, r)
  defer s.Close()
    Add login authentication logic here
  //  Regenerate session id after authentication
  //  Close session as soon as possible to release the read-lock
  io.WriteString(w, "Hello world!")

Logout (start and destroy session)

h.Route(serv.ALL, "/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
  defer serv.Recover(w)
  //  Start session (with read-lock)
  s := sess.Start(w, r)
  defer s.Close()
  //  Destroy session (will close the session)
  io.WriteString(w, "Hello world!")

Start, write and close

h.Route(serv.ALL, "/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
  defer serv.Recover(w)
  //  Start session with read-lock
  s := sess.Start(w, r)
  defer s.Close()
  //  Get session data
  data := s.Get()
  fmt.Println("session data:", data)
  //  Write data to session
  data["test"] = "My data"
  //  Close session as soon as possible to release the read-lock
  io.WriteString(w, "Hello world!")

Get session from r *http.Request context

s := sess.Session(r)
data = s.Get()