

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear clarkware please give more explanation about installation.
I don't understand what should I do with that.

I've had a trouble running it first time too. Basically what you can do is:

  1. Unzip archive from Releases anywhere you want;
  2. Open Terminal in jdepend-2.10\lib directory;
  3. Run JDepend Swing GUI for your Maven project:
    java -cp jdepend-2.10.jar jdepend.swingui.JDepend E:\JAVA\MyMavenProject\target\classes\.

If you have decided to create system environment variable JDEPEND_HOME as it is suggested in doc, then you can run JDepend from any directory, for example out of root directory of your maven project:

  • Powershell: java -cp $env:JDEPEND_HOME\lib\jdepend-2.10.jar jdepend.swingui.JDepend .\target\classes\
  • bash: java -cp $JDEPEND_HOME/lib/jdepend-2.10.jar jdepend.swingui.JDepend ./target/classes/